May 3, 2010

There's no place like home

I just bought glittery Toms, and I took them out for their debut stroll this weekend. My friends all loved them -- and every time someone asked what happens when I click my heels together 3 times, I just laughed. I've always loved The Wizard of Oz.

Tonight, my late-night editing of the last paper of my undergraduate career keeps getting interrupted by seriously scary thunder and lightning. When I was little, whenever the humidity of Jersey summers had once again become too much for the skies to handle, Mom and I would sit on the porch and watch the thunderstorm roll in. The thunder would crash, and lightning bolts would streak across the darkened skies. Rain would pour down in sheets, gushing down our hilly street and transforming the yard into mud. As the storm raged, Mom and I would cuddle on the love-seat on the porch, safe and dry and happy.

I love my city. I love my adult life. I am so excited to graduate that there simply are no words... But I really wish that, just for a moment, I could click my heels together and be 7 years old again, hugging my momma in the middle-of-nowhere New Jersey, instead of sitting alone in my apartment, jumping every time lightning strikes.

When I think of home, I think of a place
Where there's love overflowing...